Sunday, January 4, 2009

Jesus came to save all men

Solemnity of the Epiphany of Our Lord
January 4, 2009

Today’s solemnity, the Epiphany, does not only commemorate the visit of the Magi to the newly born Jesus. It also shows us the universality of salvation. Jesus shows himself not only to the Jews, but also to the non-Jews. The word “epiphany” means “manifestation”. Jesus manifests his presence to men. The Savior has been born.

We, who have already received the faith and baptism, rejoice in the fact that Christ has come to us. We now need to struggle to correspond to Jesus’ presence in our lives. However, we also ought to reach out to all those other persons who may have abandoned the Lord or who have never even known Him. Pope John Paul II said in a homily: “Those who have already reached the faith and those who are on the path to finding it share alike in this feast. They participate, giving thanks for the gift of faith, as did the Kings who, filled with gratitude, knelt before the Child. The Church, more aware each year of the vastness of her mission, participates in the feast. How many people are there still who have to be brought to the faith! How many have to be brought back to the faith they have lost! This at times is more difficult than the first conversion to the faith. The Church, however, aware of the great gift of the Incarnation of God, cannot pause, can never stop. She has to seek continually the way to Bethlehem for all men and for all times. The Epiphany is the feast of God’s challenge.” (January 6, 1979).

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